22 Feb 2016

A friend in need....

That was some wind !

one, two , three...

With all the cold wet weather we have had lately came a couple of days of high winds. Friends returned from a visit to family in England to find part of their pool enclosure sitting upside down in the pool. Too heavy and cumbersome to fix on their own, they called in reinforcements.

gently now...

this will all go back together, no problem..

The crew gathered after their usual Saturday market coffees at the local bar. We all know about committees and how they work. Imagine five men, none under 50, all with vast life experience at solving problems and therefore their own ideas on how to approach this.

This thing was heavy and awkward and holding quite a lot of water. After a couple of attempts to lift it out ( too heavy, especially with the water), slide it ( could damage the pool cover) they recognised that it would be most helpful to try to drain the water out first.

the committee assesses the damage...

After much shuffling and lifting and helpful comments, the slowly dismantling structure was off the pool and resting safely beside. Once upright and on it’s rollers it was a small matter to put it back in it’s place with the other panels.

back were it belongs
and the river flows on past oblivious to all the action

Another successful operation… now let’s retire to the bar….

leafless for the winter

This tree in our garden needed to be trimmed before the new leaves appear in spring. Just getting up a ladder with a saw isn’t enough so Graham borrowed the appropriate tools and has been working on this for weeks, between rainy days, freezing cold days and “something better to do “ days. At last, it was finished this week. Just as well as we appear to have an early spring after a mild winter. Now if the sun would just come out for more than a couple of hours.

It's more difficult to trim this than it looks

A sure sign that spring is on it's way....

bonne semaine mes amis

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