15 Feb 2021

Saint Valentin


St Valentine’s Day in France. We don't usually celebrate this, but, with the coronavirus restrictions meaning that we haven't been able to dine out for months, we decided to take the opportunity to try the special Valentine's Day take away menu from our favourite local restaurant, L’Ardoise.

There were four courses on offer all well packaged and with instructions in french, of course.  We started with an amuse-bouche of smoked trout with a curry crème and pecan crumble. 

Then a tartare of coquille St Jacques ( scallops) with a dressing of walnut oil and lime with dried duck and black truffle. 

The main was a grenadin de veau ( a thick fillet of veal) with smoked marrow and a black garlic sauce , braised endive, a biscuit of carrot and cumin, and a square of polenta with mushrooms.

And to finish, and share, an amazing pillow filled with wonderful flavours and topped with a heart full of strawberry ganache.

It was easy to prepare and serve and delicious washed down with champagne. 

Takeaway taken to a whole new level.

bons voeux à tous


  1. Wow! Looks absolutely delicious!

    You're fortunate to be near a classy establishment that does take-away. Well done!
